Church Experience #46 – December 4, 2011
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church – Chattanooga, TN
Bucket List
Everyone has things about themselves that they are disappointed in. Things that you know you should have done, places you should have gone, subjects you should have studied, books you should have read, actions you should have taken, opportunities you may have missed…the list goes on and on. We are all afraid (maybe to different extents) of coming to the end of our lives and saying the words “I should have ______, but I never did. I wish I could go back and do things differently”. Some of the things may seem small and insignificant to us in the present moment, so we keep putting them off thinking that we will have time to take care of them later. The problem is, none of us knows how much time we actually have left before we move on to the next realm. Today could be our last day here. So how do we prioritize and get the things done that we actually want to do? How do we even identify the things that could be those “Bucket List” type regrets? I believe that I need to weigh things out by testing them against the Bible and the life that Jesus lived. What would be a more likely thing for me to say with my last breath…”I should have gone skydiving,” or “I should have spent more time with my family”? I personally believe the latter is more likely (for me at least). That is an extreme example, but take a moment and scale that back to situations that are actually a part of your everyday routine. What would you be more disappointed in missing out on…the latest episode of “CSI: Miami” or an hour of time praying for the needs of friends and family who you know have major issues going on in their lives that could be healed or solved through God’s intervention? I think about these things often, and feel pretty guilty about the way I use my time. Time is one of the resources that we are given by our Creator that we are expected to be good stewards of…just like our physical strength, talents, wealth, etc. So how can I use the ChurchSurfer blog project (which I believe is a pretty good use of time) to also help me do some other things that are important to me? I have always had a desire to learn more history, specifically the history of the Christian faith and churches over the years since our Savior’s life, death, and resurrection. Protestantism and Catholicism are two pieces of modern Christianity that I have already experienced first hand, but there is another that I have left out up to this point. It’s time to fix that, so I decided to visit Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church and begin to explore Orthodoxy. Here’s how it went…
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