Church Experience #29 – July 24, 2011
Silverdale Baptist Church – Chattanooga, TN
Last Minute Directions
For the most part, throughout my 28 church experiences so far in 2011, I have had little trouble picking a new church to visit each week. I have talked in previous articles about my process for picking churches, which I would basically describe as listening for “clues” or direction from the Spirit, while at the same time being intentional about selecting churches of different denominations, size, and demographics for the sake of providing better content for the ChurchSurfer blog and a better opportunity for me and Laura to grow from a wide range of experiences. There are roughly one-thousand churches in greater Chattanooga, so the pool of potential options is certainly not limited, but for some reason I was struggling a little bit this week with making a final selection. There were a couple of churches that I had in mind, but they just did not “feel” right as it came down to time to commit to one. So around midnight on Saturday night I did what any reasonable husband would do in a time of crisis…ask his wife for help. Apparently Laura did not get the memo that explained how strategic and complicated selecting a ChurchSurfer church should be, because she thought for only a minute or two and then matter-of-factly stated, “I’d like to go to Silverdale Baptist”. The nerve! Of course I second guessed her. I started throwing other potential candidates out there (yes, the same ones that did not feel right to me in the first place) trying to make her waver and realize she did not go through the correct selection process. She simply responded that the decision was ultimately up to me, but I was the one who had asked her for help. OK…ya got me there. So I somewhat reluctantly agreed that Silverdale Baptist would be the church we visited this week, and I continued to second guess that decision even on Sunday morning as we headed out for church.
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