Church Experience #14 – April 10, 2011
Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church
Making the Denominational Rounds
One of my goals for the ChurchSurfer journey that I’m currently on, is to visit as many different Christian denominations as I can in the process of attending fifty different churches in 2011. I’m now 14 weeks in and there are a few major denominations that I still haven’t visited, so this week I wanted to make sure to check one of those “majors” off the list. I had been introduced by a mutual friend to Chris Ackerson recently because of his involvement in the Men’s Ministry Network. I remembered Chris mentioning that he attended Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church, and Presbyterian was one of the “must visit” denominations that I hadn’t been to yet, so I decided I would drop in on him. I looked up the Signal Mountain Presbyterian website and while browsing through Sunday School classes, I noticed that he was the leader of one of the classes. I figured that going to Sunday School as well as the regular worship service would add an extra element to this week’s article. We’ll see.
Signs of Spring

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